

Saturation Saturday Redux: Green Again


The First Law of Thermodynamics


Food & Fashion

Take a good look at this fashion model. No really - take a long look and form an opinion of her physique.Got it?OK, I googled "skinny model" and this was the first image I found that I felt I could post where the line between fashion and slimness was...

Political Signage

With the ability to post a picture on Facebook available to anyone with an internet connection there is a lot of political commentary that crawls through the photoshop process before leaking out into the collective unconscious of the cyber cesspool....

Saturation Saturday Redux: Green

Seems an appropriate day for some green exploration, above - the Chicago River dyed for St. Patrick's Day.another timely ph...

Lip Dub

"A lip dub is a type of video that combines lip synching and audio dubbing to make a music video. Usually made by filming a group of people lip synching while listening to a song or any recorded audio then dubbing over it in post...

Mississippi For Instance

Yes, in Mississippi Rick Santorum got a couple more votes than the other guys.Yes, between them the ultra-conservative Santorum and the slimy not as conservative Newt Gingrich got over 64% of the vote yesterday.No, all of you liberals and other sane...